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Jul 18
Shoulder pain and stiffness due to Frozen shoulder; frequently asked questions (FAQs)
The video discusses Frozen shoulder, a very common cause of shoulder pain and stiffness, and answers the relevant FAQs.

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Jun 24
Do I need an X-ray before my ultrasound-guided cortisone injection?
The article discusses whether there is a need for an X-ray before having an ultrasound-guided cortisone injection.

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Apr 16, 2023
Can an ultrasound scan diagnose my hip pain?
What is an ultrasound? Ultrasound is high-frequency sound waves produced by a special machine. They can provide very useful images of the...

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Apr 16, 2023
Reasons to get a hip MRI scan!
What is an MRI scan? An MRI scanner is a special machine that includes a big magnet. It uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to...

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Apr 16, 2023
Do I need an X-ray for my hip pain?
What is a hip X-ray? A hip X-ray (or hip radiograph) is a black-and-white image produced by a special machine that sends an X-ray beam...

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Apr 16, 2023
Back & leg pain, do I have sciatica?
How to diagnose a pinched nerve in the back/sciatica? A pinched nerve in the back is a common condition in our practice. It usually...

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Mar 14, 2023
Do I need an X-ray for my shoulder pain?
The article describes the role of Shoulder x-ray in diagnosing shoulder pain causes, including arthritis and calcific tendonitis.

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Mar 13, 2023
What will my shoulder MRI show?
The article describes the role of shoulder MRI in diagnosis shoulder problems.

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Mar 13, 2023
What is a shoulder ultrasound scan?
Shoulder ultrasound is very useful in assessing different shoulder conditions including Subacromial shoulder bursitis & impingement.

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Mar 12, 2023
What is a Shoulder MRI arthrogram?
What is a shoulder arthrogram and what are the indications. Read our article to find out more

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Feb 11, 2023
What is a Knee MRI examination?
What is an MRI scan? An MRI examination is a special machine (big magnet) that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce...

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Feb 11, 2023
What is a knee ultrasound scan?
What is an ultrasound? Ultrasound is high-frequency sound waves produced by a special machine. They can provide very useful images of the...

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Feb 11, 2023
Do I need a knee x-ray for my knee pain?
What is a knee x-ray? A knee x-ray (or knee radiograph) is the black and white image produced by sending an x-ray beam through the area...

Dr. Zeid Al-Ani
Feb 11, 2023
Knee pain; choosing the right scan!
What are the different types of scans used to assess for knee pain? The main types of scans used to assess knee pain are x-rays...
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